Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Off to China

I'm leaving for China in a couple of hours! I may not have internet access so I'm not sure how often I'll be updating. One thing that is for sure is that I'll be doing tons of sketches while I'm over there. See you all in two months!



Greg said...

Maaan...I can't live without internet. Have as much fun as you can without it! Ha.

Jay said...

omg how much I love to go to china :D hope you have fun

Robert Showalter said...

Stop holding out on us, we all know you're back. Update! Update! Update!

Nilah said...

Y'know Yezi, I've been staring at this picture all summer and I still can't figure out wtf it is.

yezi xue said...

Oh man! I guess this really means I need to update!

Betsy Bauer said...

I want to see your China sketches!!!